Do. 27. März
Fr. 28. März 2025
Details can be found in the registration form.
Diese Veranstaltung ist bereits ausgebucht.
Ticket ab:1195 - 1195 €
- - (DE)
Environmental Risk Assessment of Biocides
This conference focusses on the latest developments in the environmental risk assessment of biocides. It covers all product types and looks at testing requirements, data sheets, methodologies and regulatory outcomes.
Organizer: Die Akademie Fresenius GmbH
- Heike Schimmelpfennig, Dr. Brill Regulatory Services GmbH:
Comparison of Environmental Risk Assessments across different legislative areas
- Bernd Daehne, Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Antifouling und Biokorrosion:
Non-biocidal alternatives to antifoulings and how they compare to the biocides in terms of performance
You will
- discuss the latest scientific developments surrounding the risk assessment of biocides
- learn about various methods of risk assessment
- know which methodologies are currently accepted by authorities and ECHA
Update on Directives and Guidances
- Guidance updates: Latest developments from ECHA
- New Emission Scenarios, Repository, and the Chesar Platform
- Bee Guidance
- In situ Recommendations
- One Substance One Assessment
- The impact of new CLP hazard classes on biocides assessments - Experiences with non-biocidal antifouling paints for leisure crafts
Beyond Biocides
- Comparison of Environmental Risk Assessments across Different Legislative Areas
- Mosquito Control: Balancing Public Health and the Environment
- Mapping of Data Requirements and Assessment Methodologies linked to the Regulatory Frameworks and Remits of the Relevant EU Agencies (ECHA, EFSA and EMA) and EC Scientific Committees (SCCS and SCHEER)
Who should attend this conference?
Professionals working in the fields of:
- Ecotoxicology
- Exposure assessment
- Risk assessment
- Regulatory affairs
- Registration
Sectors that should take part:
- Biocides and chemical industry
- Producers of biocidal products
- Regulatory authorities
- Research institutes
- Scientific and regulatory consultancies