Fri 16. May
Sat 17. May 2025
Details can be found in the registration form.
This event is already fully booked.
Messe Essen, Congress Center Ost
Messeplatz 1
45131 Essen (DE)
DGKH: Symposium of the German Society for General and Hospital Hygiene (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Krankenhaus-Hygiene)
At this year's symposium of the German Society for General and Hospital Hygiene (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Krankenhaus-Hygiene - DGKH) in Essen, our institute will be involved in the following four presentations (in chronological order):
17 May 2025, 08:00-09:30, Room Ruhr
Reinigung, Desinfektion, Sterilisation - Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten
(Cleaning, disinfection, sterilization - reprocessing of medical devices)
F. Brill (Hamburg):
Automatisierung der Aufbereitung semikritischer Medizinprodukte und Nachweis der Effizienz der Aufbereitungsverfahren am Beispiel transvaginaler Ultraschallsonden inkl. praktischer Implikationen
(Automation of the reprocessing of semi-critical medical devices and proof of the efficiency of the reprocessing procedures using the example of transvaginal ultrasound probes, including practical implications)
M. Wehrl (Krefeld):
Feldstudie 2: Bestimmung der Reinigungswirkung in Endoskopkanälen mittels Flush-Brush-Flush (FBF)-Verfahren
(Field study 2: Determination of the cleaning effect in endoscope channels using the flush-brush-flush (FBF) method)
17 May 2025, 12:00-13:30, Room Ruhr
Reinigung, Desinfektion, Sterilisation - Reinigung und Desinfektion
(Cleaning, disinfection, sterilization - Cleaning and disinfection)
K. Konrat (Berlin):
Einfluss von Zellkulturmedien und -zusätzen auf die viruzide Wirksamkeit chemischer Desinfektionsmittel
(Influence of cell culture media and additives on the virucidal efficacy of chemical disinfectants)
D. Paulmann (Bremen):
In-vivo Wirksamkeit von Händedesinfektionsmitteln gegen das Adenovirus in Anlehnung an EN 17430
(In vivo efficacy of hand disinfectants against the adenovirus based on EN 17430)
Regarding Field Study 2, we are a member of the methodology group that conducted this study. Dr. Andreas Kampe represents us there. And the presentation “Influence of cell culture media and additives on the virucidal efficacy of chemical disinfectants” is a joint project between our institute and the RKI.
We would of course be delighted to welcome you in Essen - and you are also welcome to use the symposium for a personal exchange with our colleagues on site. To arrange an appointment, please contact us e.g. by email HERE.
The entire conference program and all further information for your registration can be found at: https://kongress.krankenhaushygiene.de/
Conference venue:
Messe Essen, Congress Center Ost
Messeplatz 1, 45131 Essen, Germany