News Archive

You will find the latest information about our company and industries here. Please feel free to contact us with any questions and suggestions relating to our topics or content!

July 10, 2024
Lecture: "Current developments in efficacy evaluation of hand and surface disinfectants"

The lecture entitled "Current developments in efficacy evaluation of hand and surface disinfectants", which Dr. Florian H. H. Brill gave on 10 June 2024 at the HSC Symposium 2024, was recorded and is available online here: Link

July 9, 2024
News from the expert groups

DR. BRILL INSTITUTES is engaged in several expert groups to contribute continuously to the scientific know-how for patient and environmental safety.

On 30th May 2024, Dr. Florian H. H. Brill as Convenor led the meeting of CEN and CENELEC TC 216 “Chemical Disinfectants and Antiseptics” Strategic Working Group 5 at DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. in vibrant Berlin. Dr. Brill's comment: "We moved forward improving quality, harmonization and standardization of activity test methods for disinfectants and antiseptics. We heard updates of the recently established task forces biofilms, resistance, ring trial, air-borne disinfection and harmonization. The EN 14885, EN 17272 and EN 12353 are in revision process. Thanks a lot to the whole group and especially our wonderful TC Chairwoman Christine Roques, the other WG powerful convenors Katrin Steinhauer, Carolyn Burney and Michele Cavalleri as well our great secretary Heike Moser." Next meeting is planned for November 2024.

On 22nd and 23rd of June 2024, Dr. Florian H. H. Brill was participating at the 7th annual Endoscope Hygiene Expert Forum EHEF in Dublin organized by Olympus Corporation and greatly chaired by Dr. Lionel Pineau and Annette Rittich. "Very rich exchange and ideas for improving hygiene and patient safety during endoscopy. We will continue working on the hot topics regarding the pre-cleaning process as well as microbiological quality control until 8th EHEF in 2025.", states Dr. Brill.

July 9, 2024
New: DR. BRILL BIOFILM SERVICES with Dr. Matthias T. Buhmann

When it comes to biofilms, our Director Biofilm Research Dr. Matthias T. Buhmann is your perfect partner. The DR. BRILL INSTITUTES group offers a wide range of biofilm studies - with the option of tailoring the experimental conditions to your specific requirements.
We test the efficacy of technologies for the prevention, reduction and control or removal of biofilms for you: from antimicrobial materials, coatings, disinfectants or cleaners.
The variety of methods ranges from the testing of biofilms in wounds or on catheters in the medical field, biofilms on concrete, steel, in car air conditioning systems, or other technical systems such as heat exchangers. Biofilm formation and macrofouling in the maritime sector, e.g. on ships, boats, offshore wind turbines or harbor structures, are also part of our repertoire, as are water-bearing systems for drinking or cooling water.
We have summarized all these topics under DR. BRILL BIOFILM SERVICES for you. Dr. Matthias T. Buhmann will be happy to answer any queries you may have.

July 8, 2024
Reinforcement on Norderney: Soyla Kraus

In early June, our Dr. Brill + Partner Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion on Norderney was reinforced: Welcome Soyla Kraus! Soyla Kraus studied Marine Biology and International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology (M.Sc.) at the University of Bremen and is now supporting Bernd Daehne's team as Scientific Project Manager - Antifouling Research Station, particularly in the processing of projects and orders for the further development of antifouling systems. We are delighted to have Soyla Kraus on board at Norderney.

July 3, 2024
This year, the 10th CAHMV is upcoming!

We are organizing this 10th CAHMV for the first time in cooperation with our partners from BioGenius, who will also be celebrating their 20th anniversary with this conference.

Our first two key note speakers are confirmed Professor Dr. Rasmus Leistner with a talk on the hot topic regarding pro-biotic cleaning vs. disinfection. Also of course Dr. Florian H. H. Brill will give is legendary talk on the current developments regarding efficacy evaluation of antimicrobial products. In addition, we will have a panel discussion on 25 years Biocidal Regulation in Europe, a talk about efficacy testing of PT18 and 19 insecticides and repellents. Also the sessions “Hot topics Infection Prevention and Control” chaired by Professors Eike and Jörg Steinmann with talks on Yellow fever virus and Candida auris are as well confirmed. We will of course talk about the current topics on Biofilm test methods, resistance development by biocides as well as phase 3 testing.

Save the Date: Celebrate with us this year's big anniversary CAHMV, the 10th edition of our conference! On 28 + 29 November 2024, we would like to welcome you again together with BioGenius at the AMERON Hamburg Hotel Speicherstadt for the 10th CAHMV 2024, as well as for a maritime evening program. We would of course be delighted to welcome you. For a non-binding pre-reservation, simply send an e-mail to

July 2, 2024
Maritime coatings in focus: Bernd Daehne as speaker at specialist conference

In September the 9th and 10th 2024, the trade magazine FARBE UND LACK and Meyer Werft in Papenburg invite you to a scientific conference on maritime coatings.

Bernd Daehne from our Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion will be a guest speaker at the event on 10.09.2024 at 09:30 a.m. with the lecture "Antifouling - Test procedures, current developments and Blue Angel". 

We look forward to your participation! All information about the program and registration can be found HERE


July 1, 2024
Strong portfolio expansion through Hydrotox

Since January, the DR. BRILL INSTITUTES Group has grown by an important segment. With the age-related retirement of laboratory co-founder Dr. Stefan Gartiser from the management board, Hydrotox Labor für Ökotoxikologie und Gewässerschutz GmbH (the laboratory for ecotoxicology and water protection) in Freiburg, was integrated into the DR. BRILL INSTITUTES Group. This is a very attractive addition to the portfolio for both the Group and its customers.

What does Hydrotox bring to the table? In fact, all chemicals must be tested for their environmental compatibility in accordance with European chemicals legislation. Hydrotox, for example, covers the part of this that deals with how the respective substance behaves in water. Among other things, this involves the effects of the substances on the living environment, which is tested in the laboratory using model organisms such as algae, small crustaceans and fish. In addition, it is also tested whether the chemicals are well degraded in the sewage treatment plant.

The degradability of plastic and microplastics is also a very important topic in a global context. The Freiburg team's portfolio also includes testing for genotoxic effects, in which bacteria are used to test whether substances have mutagenic effects.

"To put it simply, we generally look at the extent to which these substances can have harmful effects on our environment and everyday life," says laboratory coordinator Dr. Christoph Hafner. "This can be explained most clearly using the example of pesticides: These chemicals are deliberately released into the environment in large quantities. In addition to the desired toxic effect on pests to protect the plants, no undesirable side effects on aquatic organisms or beneficial insects should occur if possible."

The testing of chemicals in the Hydrotox laboratory is carried out in accordance with the principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). For this purpose, the laboratory is inspected by the state authority every three years and then receives certification that tests for the risk assessment of chemicals may be carried out.

While customers from the large chemical industry usually know exactly what they need and ask for it specifically, "smaller companies often don't know the exact regulatory background," says Hafner. "We can then describe to them in detail which tests need to be carried out during the consultation. With our colleagues from Regulatory Services in the DR. BRILL INSTITUTES Group, we are now in a very strong position to do this!"

In addition to laboratory work with biotest systems that have a high sample throughput, the Hydrotox team also contributes its expertise to research projects that are funded by third parties. This can include, for example, the implementation of corresponding literature studies or the development of website content. Industrial customers are also advised on how they can produce in a more environmentally friendly way.

The fact that Hydrotox joined the DR. BRILL INSTITUTES Group as a new subsidiary at the beginning of 2024 is an attractive addition to the portfolio. In addition to Brill's high level of expertise in the efficacy testing of disinfectants, Hydrotox brings this know-how for algicides to the group. Several years ago, the two companies had already jointly developed award criteria for eco-labels in third-party funded projects for environmentally friendly antifouling underwater coatings.

Other projects are also concerned with proving that algicides are effective in ponds or swimming pools, or how the formation of biofilms can be prevented in the cooling water of power plants.

"Some of the corporate customers are actually the same, we just have to deal with different departments," says Dr. Christoph Hafner. A major advantage of Hydrotox is the perfectly complementary five-person management team. "Each of us has a special scientific background, so we are very broadly based and flexible. We often develop tests according to customer requirements that are not included in any guideline."

With this team, companies receive individual support that is not subject to complex project management. The customer thus has a direct line to his investigation. Dr. Christoph Hafner (agricultural biologist) is responsible for overall laboratory management, quality management and customer care. His colleague Dr. Patrick Schwartz (graduate biologist) heads the ecotoxicity department. Biologist Andrea Brunswik-Titze and her colleague Felicitas Flach (Dipl. Ing. Environmental Sciences) are responsible for biodegradability. As head of the test facility, Dr. Ines Heisterkamp is responsible for compliance with GLP regulations, but otherwise primarily works on third-party funded and industrial customer research projects and, as a marine biologist, contributes her specialist knowledge of algae.

"We are privileged that the long-standing owner Dr. Stefan Gartiser will continue to support us with his immense expertise as a consultant," says Hafner. "The broad positioning enables us to react quickly to the changing needs of the market and reorganize our resources accordingly."

June 29, 2024
Online update on hygiene and infection prevention: Water hygiene

The online update on hygiene and infection prevention is going into the next round! On 02.07.2024 the online update with the main topic water hygiene will take place from 10:00 - 12:00. The event will be moderated by Dr. Florian H. H. Brill. 

All information on free registration and the program can be found on the website of Life Science Nord: LINK

June 19, 2024
New DAkkS accreditation certificates: Extended scope of testing!

Our new DAkkS accreditation certificates attest that our institute has once again extended the scope of testing in bactericidal and virucidal testing. The current documents can be found HERE. In June 2024, various DAkkS / ZLG audits in our company were also extremely positive. Benefit from the high quality and use the wide range of tests offered by our institute. We look forward to your inquiry!

June 18, 2024
Availability during IT changeover

+++ On Friday, 28 June 2024, our institute will be temporarily unavailable by phone for technical reasons. At that time, simply send us an email instead, e.g. to +++ Am Freitag, dem 28. Juni 2024, ist unser Institut aus technischen Gründen vorübergehend telefonisch nicht erreichbar. Senden Sie uns stattdessen dann einfach eine E-Mail, z.B. an +++

May 27, 2024
Hamburg Family Seal: renewed award for our institute

As part of a repeat audit, we were once again awarded the "Hamburg Family Seal". This seal confirms that DR. BRILL INSTITUTES is particularly committed to the compatibility of family and career. It is awarded by the Hamburg Alliance for Families - an initiative of the Hamburg Senate, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts. All information about DR. BRILL INSTITUTES as an employer can be found on our career pages under the following link: HERE

May 8, 2024
Henrik Gabriel on TV

Our laboratory manager Henrik Gabriel recently appeared as an expert in the consumer magazine "DIE TRICKS" on NDR television. The current episode, entitled "Die Tricks der Drogerien" (The tricks of the drugstores), dealt with the question of the hygiene of the cosmetic product testers available free of charge in drugstores. A laboratory test revealed some germ contamination that makes people sit up and take notice. Everything further on "Die Tricks der Drogerien" as well as the on-demand broadcast can be found under the following link. Henrik Gabriel appears from around minute 15:14 - HERE.