Tue 28. Feb
Tue 28. Feb 2023
- - (DE)
VUPINAR - Laboratories as Data Power Plants-Use and Benefits of Laboratory Data
Laboratories as data power plants - the use and benefit of laboratory dataFor a long time now, money has been earned with the targeted and networked use and exploitation of data; an entire industry has grown up around the topic of "data mining," if you will: a new culture as well. What is the situation in the testing and laboratory industry, which has been producing data since time immemorial?
Process data, results data, customer data, etc. are stored or better: slumber in folders, Excel spreadsheets, databases or in the cloud. Measurement results and analysis data usually know only one direction: to the customer who placed the order, in the form of the results report.
So what are the opportunities for additional utilization of laboratory and results data, what new business models could arise or are emerging, and what limits and legal frameworks must be observed? These and other questions will be the focus of the first VUPinar of the German Association of Independent Testing Laboratories (VUP) and will be addressed by competent speakers.
Welcome and short introduction: Dr. Florian Brill, Mitglied des VUP-Präsidiums
Lecture: Welche rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen sind bei der Verwertung von Labordaten für Dritte zu beachten?
Prof. Jens Prütting, LL.M. oec.,Lehrstuhl Privatrecht VII – Bürgerliches Recht, Medizin- und Gesundheitsrecht, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
Lecture: Neue digitale Geschäftsmodelle unter Nutzung von anfallenden Labordaten – Good Practice aus einem Kalibrierlabor.
Raimund Föhrenbacher, Geschäftsführer, Testo Industrial Services GmbH, Kirchzarten
Panel discussion speakers and participants: Labore als Datenkraftwerke - Herausforderungen, Chancen und Problemstellungen für die Labore? Moderation: Dr. Florian Brill
Conclusions and need for action: Anton Blöth, VUP-Geschäftsführung