12. September 2023

Robust - Integrated coating and cleaning concept for fouling control on offshore structures


T Heusinger von Waldegge, D Stübing, B Daehne, L Kuhn, T Felder, P Kensbock


DOI: 10.24406/publica-2682 | Poster presented at International Antifouling Conference 2023, 12-13 September 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden


Field tests ▪ Biofouling is an unsolved problem in offshore industry, it induces a lot of work and therefore high costs ▪ It causes problems, when the welding seams of offshore-structures have to be controlled by divers regularly ▪ The industrial standard coatings should be replaced by more efficient non-biocidal systems Summarized project goals: Less fouling, easier cleanings, mechanical stability of the coating, no input of biocides into the environment and lower costs at maintenance