17. Kongress für Krankenhaushygiene (17. Congress for Hospital Hygiene)
From May 12 - 15, 2024 the 17. Congress for Hospital Hygiene of the DGKH will take place in Bonn. This year we are represented at the symposium with the following presentations:
Monday, 13 May 2024 | 13:30 - 14:30 Uhr | Genf | Raum 2 | Lunchsymposium – B.BRAUN: Was braucht die Fläche? Und was nicht? (What does the surface need? And what is not needed?)
- Testung und Klassifikation von Desinfektionsmitteln – was sind echte Anforderungen, was ist nice to have? (Testing and classification of disinfectants - what are real requirements, what is nice to have?) F. H. H. Brill (Hamburg)
Tuesday, 14 Mai 2024 | 16:00 - 17:30 Uhr | Genf | Raum 2 | Session Antiseptik
- Wirksamkeit von Desinfektionsverfahren gegen klinische Isolate der internationalen Candida auris-Ausbruchsstämme im Vergleich zum Referenzlaborstamm Candida albicans (Efficacy of disinfection procedures against clinical isolates of the international Candida auris outbreak strains compared to the reference laboratory strain Candida albicans) F. H. H. Brill, H. Gabriel, A. Ulatowski, J. Steinmann (Hamburg, Nürnberg)
The entire program and further information on the event can be found HERE.