Big anniversary a great success: These were some of the highlights of the 10th CAHMV 2024 - Save the date 2025!
On 28 and 29 November 2024, Dr. Florian H. H. Brill and Alexander Brux welcomed over 100 international guests to the 10th anniversary of the Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology in Hamburg. The conference was organized for the first time in cooperation with our partner BioGenius, who celebrated their 20th company anniversary at the same time.
The following highlights stood out in a rich scientific program:
- The panel discussion “25 years of biodical regulation”, which was held for the first time
- The interesting perspective of hospital management on infection prevention from our key note speaker Professor Dr. Ojan Assadian
- The session “Hot topics infection prevention & control” with the talk of Dr. Toni Meister on (re-)emerging viruses
- The wonderful keynote lecture from Professor Dr. Rasmus Leistner on the successful integration of probiotic-based cleaners in a hospital environment
- The traditional Keynote lecture on day 2 from Dr. Florian H. H. Brill on developments in the field of efficacy testing of antimicrobial products
- The two sessions on the hot topics of resistance development through biocides and efficacy testing in biofilms were held in parallel and did not make it easy for participants to decide which session to attend. The presentation on the development and testing of resistance by Professor Dr. Laurent Piorel was just as much a highlight as the presentation of the new COST action “Regulatory Tool Box” (LINK) on biofilm methods by Dr. Paulina Rakowska.
We received very positive feedback from the participants. They liked the scientific content, but also the opportunity to network, e.g. during the harbor tour on Thursday evening. We are therefore already looking forward to the next, then 11th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology, which will take place on 27 and 28 November 2025, again in Hamburg (see "Events": HERE). Please save the date in your calendar now.