Research project FOULPROTECT

Today, we proudly announce that the Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH took over the research project from the research partner at the Biofilm Centre of the University Duisburg-Essen. Under the leadership of the expert for biocorrosion, Dr. Tilman Gehrke, we will complete the project and look forward to the new challenge. The aim of the project, which is running since July 2014, is to develop methods and new coating systems as well as concepts which allow a long-lasting foul protection and protection against biocorrosion of maritime structures (hull, offshore platforms, plants at the sea, etc.). Thereby, a secured system solution for the coating of hull, offshore platforms and energy generating systems should be developed according to environmental guidelines. In addition, a cleaning method will be developed which allows a cost-effective removal of film residuals on above mentioned structures without damaging the coating system (qualitative or structured). Apart from that, the coating concepts should accomplish a sustainable contribution to the reduction of biocorrosion (based on micro vegetation) of the relevant steel and concrete.