Further Key Note confirmed: Dr. Lonne Gerritsen - Efficacy Testing Strategy for Biocidal Product Families

Dr. Lonne Gerritsen, the European expert of efficacy evaluation for biocidal products will honor us with her presence at our Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology this November in Hamburg. She worked for the Netherlands competent authority ctgb for more than 10 years as well as in the ECHA efficacy working group. She influenced the European view on this essential part of biocidal product dossiers. Now she is working as an expert for Knoell NL. Dr. Lonne Gerritsen will speak about HER topic "Efficacy Testing Strategy for Biocidal Product Families" and gives us highly valuable insights of the ECHA procedures for efficacy evaluation. The accordingly updated program and the registration form can be downloaded here: http://www.brillhygiene.com/en/akademie/termine/4th-conference-applied-hygiene-microbiology-and-virology