News Archive

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November 10, 2015
MEDICA and Arab Health
Dr. Brill + Partner Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology will exhibit at the world’s largest medical technology exhibition MEDICA between 16/11 and 19/11/2015 in Dusseldorf. Please visit us on the joint pavillon of Life Science Nord and WTSH in Hall 15, Booth G40, or contact us for a visit at your booth. All details can be found here: LinkBetween January 25 and 28, 2016 we will also be an exhibitor on the Arab Health in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Further details will follow.
October 12, 2015
Conference was a great success - Date 2016 is set
The first "Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology" was a great success. More than 80 participants from 17 countries have joined the scientific conference and its hanseatic supporting program on two days. National and international experts have presented their valuable insights and know how. The organizers Dr. Brill + Partner and Life Science Nord are very satisfied with the conference and therefore are proud to announce that the conference will be held on 6. - 7. October 2016 again. Please mark the date already. Further information will follow soon. An overview of all our events can be found here: Events
September 17, 2015
Fraunhofer UMSICHT
We are more than happy to inform that we started a cooperation in the field of biocorrosion of concrete and plastics with Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT. Our partners: Partners
July 3, 2015
We are proud to announce that we could sign a partnership cooperation agreement with BioGenius. A leading chemical-physical analytics laboratory for biocidal and plant protection products. In addition, they are experts for efficacy testing of insecticides. Our partners: Partners
June 19, 2015
PSN Lifesciences International FZ-LLC (PSNL)
In our new market in the UAE we were able to sign a cooperation contract with one of the leading laboratories for chemical  and physical analysis PSN of food and environmental samples. Our partners: Partners
June 17, 2015
Research project "MicroArctic"
Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology proudly announces that we received a research grant within the EU research fund Horizon 2020. The project is called "MicroArctic" and is focused and the microbiological characterization of the microbiological ecology of extreme habitats such as Greenland, Siberia etc. including the influence of global warming. We will employ after project start in 2016 a PhD student in cooperation with University of Potsdam for three years. The PhD student will focus on the characterization of pathogenic bacteria.
June 16, 2015
Senator takes over Patronage of the Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology!
The Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology from 8 – 9 October 2015 in Hamburg will be under the patronage of Senator Cornelia Prüfer-Storcks, Hamburg Authority for Health and Consumer Protection of the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. We are very honored that the senator is presenting her personal interest in the topic and highlights its significance by her patronage.Furthermore, we are glad to announce Chemische Fabrik DR. WEIGERT GmbH & Co. KG being the first sponsor of the conference. During the workshop Reprocessing of Medical Devices according to ISO 17664, Dr. Matthias Toschoerner from DR. WEIGERT will present the topic View of Manufacturers of Cleaning, Disinfectant and Sterilization Products. Further program details as well as the registration form can be viewed under the following link: It would be our pleasure to inform you about the possibilities and details of how to become a sponsor of the conference.
June 16, 2015
3rd International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control (ICPIC)
From June 16 – 19, 2015 the ICIPIC 2015 will be held in Geneva. During this conference the scientists of Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology will contribute their valuable knowledge to the scientific conference program. The following topics will be presented in Geneva: Presentation – Florian H. H. Brill: Surface disinfection with wipe systems – Practical indications for a safe use. In line with the Satellite Symposia and Sponsored Sessions "Challenges and chances in the development and use of wipe systems for surface disinfection". More...Poster - Florian H. H. Brill, Nadine Radischat, Peter Goroncy-Bermes, Jörg Siebert: Residual Antiseptic Efficacy of Octenidine dihydrochloride versus Chlorhexidine gluconate in Alcoholic Solutions More...Poster - F. H. H. Brill, H. Braunwarth, D. Hegeholz, W. Droste: Determination of Bacteria Migration Speed through Urinary Catheter Systems in case of Urostomy More...Poster - R. A. Leslie, D. R. Macinga, F. H. H. Brill, M. Suchomel: Suitability of Enterococcus faecalis as a Test Organism to Evaluate In Vivo Efficacy of Alcohol-based Handrubs More...
April 27, 2015
11. Ulmer Symposium Krankenhausinfektionen
Beim 11. Ulmer Symposium Krankenhausinfektionen vom 28. bis 30. April 2015, der größten deutschsprachigen Fachkonferenz im Bereich Infektionsprävention tragen die Wissenschaftler der Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie wieder zum wissenschaftlichen Programm bei. Folgende Vorträge werden in Ulm präsentiert:Florian H. H. Brill, Horst Braunwarth, Dietmar Hegeholz, Werner Droste: Bestimmung der Wanderungsgeschwindigkeit von Bakterien im harnableitenden System beim Urostoma.Florian H. H. Brill: Flächendesinfektion mit Tuchsystemen – Sichere Infektionsprävention und hohe Compliance im Rahmen des Schülke & Mayr Lunch Symposiums.Florian H. H. Brill, Jan-Hendrik Klock, Ulrike Ißleib, Henrik Gabriel: Hygienische Aufbereitung von Ultraschallsonden mit einem Desinfektionstuchsystem in Anlehnung an den 4-Felder-Test und DIN EN ISO 17664.Florian H. H. Brill, Nadine Radischat, Peter-Goroncy-Bermes, Jörg Siebert: Antiseptischer Langzeiteffekt von Octenidinhydrochlorid versus Chlorhexidingluconat in alkoholischen Lösungen.Florian H. H. Brill, Alvin Ilocto, Jan-Hendrik Klock, Henrik Gabriel: Untersuchungen zur Weiterentwicklung des 4 Felder-Tests (prEN 16615).
March 26, 2015
Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology: Program released - sign up now!
Hamburg, 8 - 9 October 2015 Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH - Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology and the DR. BRILL ACADEMY proudly present in association with Life Science Nord GmbH the first Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology in Hamburg, Germany.It is a pleasure to announce that we are able to welcome the following key-note speakers:Prof. Dr. Marylyn M. Addo, University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf, one of the world's leading experts for clinical development of vaccination against Ebola and MERS-Corona. Topic: Infection Prevention in Emerging Infections - Lessons learned from Ebola and MERS-Corona-VirusProf. Dr. Ojan Assadian, University of Huddersfield, one of the worldwide well acknowledged and active hospital hygienist with focus on clinical implementation of infection prevention and control measurements. Topic: Release-kinetic of antiseptics from antimicrobial wound dressings and their clinical applicationThe preliminary program has just been released. All details can be found here (as at March 2015): Just download our program with the registration form (here) and sign up now.Among others, the following sessions and workshops will be held:Efficacy Testing of Disinfectants and Antiseptics 2020 Special Focus on Hand Hygiene Products (Session)Reprocessing of Medical Devices according to ISO 17664 (Workshop)Microbiological Safety of Cosmetics (Session)As previously communicated, the conference will serve as a platform for scientific know-how and information transfer as well as a discussion forum focusing on efficacy testing, development, the conference will serve as a platform for scientific know-how and information transfer as well as a discussion forum focusing on efficacy testing, development, registration and application of infection prevention and control products such as disinfectants and antiseptics. The DR. BRILL ACADEMY seminars, annually performed since 2012, provided the basis for this conference. By extending the concept significantly, the conference will combine the knowledge of highly recognized experts of the applied sciences of hygiene, microbiology and virology with hands-on experiences from the user.The conference will be held on October 8th and 9th in the AMERON Hotel Speicherstadt Hamburg, which is located in the scenic and historic "Speicherstadt". Before the official opening of the conference on October 8th at 1 PM, a workshop covering the basics of microbiology, virology, efficacy testing and registration of infection control products will be held.We kindly invite specialists for research and development and registration from the infection prevention and control as well as medical device industry to attend the conference. Experts from competent authorities e.g. for biocidal product registration, interested scientists and medical doctors are also kindly welcomed to contribute to an open communication and know-how transfer between industry and user of the respective products.Please sign up now. We would be more than happy to welcome you this October here in Hamburg.Your scientific committee of the Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology (in alphabetical order):Dr. Florian H. H. BrillDr. Holger BrillPD Dr. Eike SteinmannDr. Jochen SteinmannPD Dr. Jörg Steinmann
March 23, 2015
Progress in developing a virus hand test
Hygienic hand disinfection is one of the most important measures to prevent viral infections in hospitals and other medical facilities. Guidelines strictly emphasize the urgent need of hand hygiene procedures with alcohol-based hand rubs. Its application requires products with a proven efficacy against model viruses evaluated in a quantitative suspension test and/or on artificial contaminated finger pads (ASTM 1838-10) or the entire hand (ASTM 2011-09). Unfortunately, both ASTM methods do not follow the clinical practice in hospitals and other medical facilities.So far there is no method available in Europe to determine the antiviral efficacy on contaminated hands. Nowadays, efforts by the CEN committee (virus task group) are undertaken to develop a method which resembles both contamination and hand treatment in clinical practice as closely as possible. In the WI (work item) 00216088 the recent developments are described.The murine norovirus (MNV) is chosen as test virus. The finger pads (including the thumb) are inoculated in 0.5 ml of the contamination fluid (murine norovirus suspension) in 12 or 24 well plates for 15 s. Then surplus liquid is carefully allowed to drain back into the container for a maximum of 30 s. Fingers are dried under the safety cabinet for 3 min.For hand hygiene 3 ml of the hand disinfectant are poured into the cupped dry hands and rubbed vigorously for 30 seconds onto the skin up to the wrists in accordance with the standard hand rub (EN 1500) procedure to ensure total coverage of the hands.Immediately at the end sampling from each fingertip (including the thumb) is started with 1 ml sample fluid per finger. Therefore, each fingertip is rubbed for 1 min on the base of a small Petri dish with 1 ml cell culture medium. Finally, the titer of residual virus is determined.The virus lab of Dr. Brill + Partner in Bremen is involved in the still running ring trials in Europe since the beginning together with 2 other labs in Europe and one lab in the United States. Recently, studies were performed in these 4 labs to find out the reference testing different concentrations of ethanol.Studies are still on-going for developing the European test method for evaluating the virus inactivation on artificially contaminated hand. Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH will continuously participate in these studies. A previous study done in our lab in Bremen independently from these European efforts has been published in 2012 demonstrating the large competence in this field.J. Steinmann, D. Paulmann, B. Becker, B. Bischoff, E. Steinmann, J. Steinmann: Comparison of virucidal activity of alcohol-based hand sanitizers versus antimicrobial hand soaps in vitro and in vivo.  J Hosp Infect (82): 277-280 (2012)If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
January 29, 2015
First EN carrier test for virucidal efficacy testing published
In September 2014, the first phase 2/step 2 European standard prEN 16777 for virucidal efficacy testing of surface disinfectants on non-porous stainless steel discs was published. With adenovirus type 5 and murine norovirus (MNV) strain S99 as test viruses, the use-recommendations of surface disinfectants will strongly improve because there is a practice-like test method for virucidal efficacy evaluation available.To this day, the EN 14476 (phase 2, step 1) as quantitative suspension test with polio-, adeno- and norovirus serves as the basis for efficacy evaluation of surface disinfectants. The successful inactivation test according to EN 14476 allowed a virucidal claim of the product. But the extent of virus inactivation by chemical means often completely differs when testing in vitro (quantitative suspension test) and in vivo (carrier test). After introduction of the prEN 16777 a test simulating practical conditions is now available which will allow more realistic use-recommendations (virucidal claim) and which will be the basis together with EN 14476 for biocidal product registration in Europe.In this prEN, a test virus suspension together with a soil load (virus inoculum) is dried on a stainless steel disc before the disinfectant is added. After the chosen exposure time has been reached a recovery process is followed to determine residual viral infectivity on the carriers. Our lab is highly experienced in carrier tests and was significantly involved in the development of the method. In 2008, we already started to study the efficacy of various active ingredients of disinfectants against the murine norovirus as new surrogate of human norovirus in the carrier test (Magulski et al. 2009). Furthermore, we participated in the ring trials of DVV with the same topic (Rabenau et al. 2014) and in all European carrier ring trials with MNV and adenovirus type 5. In addition, the lab took part in the OECD ring trial with adenovirus testing PAA based formulations in 2008.