News Archive

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October 11, 2017
Events 2018 with Dr. Pierre Graschas Start-Up SPG ACTIONS
Within the cooperation with the international accepted expert for applied hygiene and microbiology as well as chemistry, Dr. Pierre Grascha, and his start-up SPG ACTIONS, we have arranged the following trainings and seminars for 2018 in the field of microbiology and formulation of cosmetic products:05. - 06.03.2018 - Management and optimization of R&D projects, risk analysis, table of requirements14. - 15.05.2018 - Formulation and optimisation of biocidal products (bactericides, fungicides, sporicides, virucides) including chemistry of surfactants18. - 19.06.2018 - Manage and optimise the preservation of cosmetic formulations including applied exercises workshopAll scheduled events can be found here: can already register for these events. We would be delighted to welcome you. Dr. Grascha will also chair the session "Combination of Formulation and Regulatory Requirements for Modern Cosmetics" of the 3rd Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology this November here in Hamburg.
October 10, 2017
MEDICA 2017 and Arab Health 2018
Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie will be exhibiting at the MEDICA, the most important and largest medical trade fair in the world, from 13 to 16 November 2017 in Düsseldorf. Please contact us to schedule a meeting at the North German joint pavilion of WTSH and Life Science Nord in hall 15, stand F40, or for a visit to your booth. All information can be found here: January 29 and February 1, 2018, we are also at the Arab Health in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. You will find us at the North German joint pavilion of Life Science Nord in Hall Z2. We would be delighted to welcome you. Please contact us to schedule a meeting.
October 7, 2017
18th World Sterilization Congress with lecture by Dr. Jochen Steinmann
At the 18TH WORLD STERILIZATION CONGRESS from 4 to 7 October 2017 in Bonn, Germany, Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie contributed to the scientific program by the following presentation of Dr. Jochen Steinmann:5 October 2017, 14: 15-15: 45, within the symposium "Cleaning and disinfection of medical devices":"Virucidal efficacy of peracetic acid for automated washer disinfectors in tests simulating practical conditions - Viruzide Wirksamkeit von Peressigsäure in Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsgeräten in Tests unter simulierten Praxisbedingungen"Steinmann, Jochen (Bremen, Germany)The entire scientific program of the 18TH WORLD STERILIZATION CONGRESS, the "joint meeting of WFHSS and DGSV", can be found here:
September 29, 2017
Crédit Impôt Recherche - CIR: Decision of approval for French tax credit for research purposes
Our clients from France can benefit from the "Crédit Impôt Recherche - CIR", a funding program for research. Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobilogie has received a corresponding decision of approval from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. Crédit Impôt Recherche - CIR is a state program for the promotion of research and development activities in companies through a deduction of input tax. If no taxes are incurred, it is possible to cash the tax credit. The notification "DÉCISION D'AGRÉMENT" can be found under "Certificates":
September 28, 2017
Appointment as a member of the Sector Committee Health Care by DAkkS
Dr. Florian Brill has been appointed as a member of the Sector Committee Health Care by DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH. The appointment is valid from 21 November 2017 to 20 November 2020. The Sector Committees are important expert committees for the DAkkS. They elaborate rules and procedures for the technical assessment of conformity assessment bodies. Further information on the Sector Committees can be found here:
September 14, 2017
Our institute in the main news broadcast "tagesschau": Resistant germs on every second chicken meat sample
In the "tagesschau" of the ARD (First German Television program) from 13/09/2017 a sequence with laboratory tests can be seen, which has been produced in our laboratory. The complete film can be found at under the following link:
September 13, 2017
Jörg Steinmann appointed as Medical Director and University Professor
Since 1 September 2017 the Vice Chairman of our Scientific Advisory Board, Professor Jörg Steinmann, is Medical Director of the Institute of Clinical Hygiene, Medical Microbiology and Clinical Infectiology at the Paracelsus Medical Private University in the Nuremberg Hospital, as successor to Professor Just. The institute is one of the largest of its kind in Germany and offers a comprehensive range of methods for the diagnosis of the most important infectious agents for diagnostic (laboratory), therapeutic (AMS) as well as hospital-hygienic questions. We sincerely congratulate Professor Steinmann, wish him a successful start and are delighted that his expertise continuous to remain to the Scientific Advisory Board of Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology.
June 27, 2017
42. BImSchV: New inspection requirements for evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers and wet separators decided
At the beginning of June, the Federal Council adopted the ordinance on evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers and wet separators (42nd BImSchV) with amendments. Among other things, this stipulates that the plants must be examined for legionella regularly in order to prevent legionella outbreaks. The entry into force of the regulation is expected in July 2017. The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has already submitted recommendations for the sampling and verification of legionellae in the affected plants in order to standardize the procedure during the investigation of the plants. If you have any questions concerning the implementation of the regulation, we are happy to assist you. Our institute fulfills all requirements placed on the testing laboratory.Download: Recommendation for the sampling and detection of legionella in evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers and wet separators (source: Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt - UBA))
June 20, 2017
Sponsor of ICPIC 2017
This year, we support the ICPIC Fellow Support Program. The program funds one participant from a low-income country to ensure a truly global meeting and to allow also such less fortunate colleagues to share their experiences.
June 15, 2017
Call for Abstracts + Call for Sponsors
We kindly request you to actively support us by submitting abstracts to the topics of the conference. Please make sure that you do not miss the chance to present your latest results on the topics mentioned below. Your posters and oral presentations will be evaluated by our scientific committee. Deadline for abstract submission is on August 31, 2017.- Topics: Applied Hygiene, Microbiology, Virology- Please use the following structure for your abstract: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion- Please limit your abstract to a maximum of 200 words and mention a title as well as all authors including their affiliation- Please mark the presenting author- Please send your abstract as word file to Mr Steffen Pahl: Steffen.Pahl@brillhygiene.comCall for Sponsors:Various sponsoring packages are available. For all sponsorship options please contact Mrs Gesche von der Lieth:
May 31, 2017
4th International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control (ICPIC)
From June 20 – 23, 2017 the ICIPIC 2017 will be held in Geneva. During this conference the scientists of Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology will contribute their valuable knowledge to the scientific conference program. The following topics will be presented in Geneva:Poster viewing IIUrinary tract infectionsThursday 22 June 2017 | 08:00 - 18:00Abstract P243: STUDY ON THE DECONONISATION OF URINARY TRACT CATHETERS APPLAYING A PRACTICE-LIKE IN VITRO TEST METHODPresenter: Steffen PahlPoster viewing IIHand hygiene: in-vitro to in-vivoThursday 22 June 2017 | 08:00 - 18:00Abstract P330: VIRUCIDAL ACTIVITY OF WHO-HAND RUB FORMULATIONS AGAINST ENVELOPED VIRUSES INCLUDING ZIKA, EBOLA AND EMERGING CORONAVIRUSESPresenter: Dr. Florian H. H. BrillThe entire scientific conference program can be found at:
May 16, 2017
CAHMV 2017: Key Note Lectures by Professor Dr. Günter Kampf and Professor Dr. Andreas Voss
We are glad to announce that we were able to engage the well-known experts Professor Dr. Günter Kampf and Professor Dr. Andreas Voss as speakers for our Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology (Hamburg, 02.-03.11.2017). Professor Kampf will cover the topic "Key Elements to Ensure Clinically Relevant Efficacy Data for Alcohol-Based Hand Rubs". Professor Voss will speak about "Infection Prevention and Control – Current and Future Hot Topics and Clinical Changes". In addition to external and internal speakers, the program includes presentations by Dr. Florian Brill, Professor Dr. Eike Steinmann, PD Dr. Jörg Steinmann as well as Dr. Jochen Steinmann. Please click here for the complete program: