News Archive

You will find the latest information about our company and industries here. Please feel free to contact us with any questions and suggestions relating to our topics or content!

July 29, 2021
New Publication: A realistic transfer method reveals low risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission via contaminated euro coins and banknotes
On our "Publications" page you will find a new publication on the transferability of SARS-CoV-2 to banknotes and coins
July 7, 2021
Online-Update Hygiene and Infektions­prävention: COVID-19 #6

More than any other crisis, the pandemic affects all generations, all social groups and social, economic, political and cultural life worldwide. It is being felt everywhere, albeit to varying degrees.
In this free online update, we would like to offer you the opportunity to find out about important questions on the topic and to exchange ideas with our experts from the clinical, research, political and industrial sectors.


Korinna Hennig
NDR science journalist and host of the podcast "Coronavirus Update
Science communication in times of crisis

more to follow...

The online update is a cooperation event with Dr. Brill + Steinmann, MedWiss4you and HIHeal.

Life Science Nord GmbH coordinates the HIHeal network as the first so-called "Hamburg Cluster Bridge Project", whose funding is provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Another topic area within the project is eHealth, coordinated by Gesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg.


Click HERE to register

July 4, 2021
Dr. Florian Brill is VUP President

On June 17th, 2021, Dr. Florian Brill was elected as the new president of the VUP for the next two years. He was first elected to the VUP Presidium in 2016. Dr. Florian Brill is also currently heading the project group "VUP 2025" and represents the VUP in numerous external bodies.

June 15, 2021
Human Coronavirus established!

We are happy being able to extend our testing service for you. As of now we can offer activity tests of disinfectants, antiseptics, and antiviral surfaces with the human Coronavirus, strain E229 in our testing laboratory in Bremen. The team established the virus in the lab during the last months and now it is validated.


In case you are interested, please contact us to get an individual quotation.

May 31, 2021
Vaccinations at the company doctor

Finally, the time has come. As of the 7th of June, Corona vaccinations will be available through the company doctor. Our colleagues and their spouses have already been able to register for the vaccination. The vaccinations will take place in the practice of the company doctor, there will not be a collective vaccination center with the surrounding companies.

May 22, 2021
Kompendium Flächenhygiene

On May 19th, 2021 the book "Compendium Surface Hygiene" was published by Günter Kampffolgen. Dr. Florian H.H. Brill and Dr. Maren Wodrich from the institute are part of the team of eleven authors.

"Dieses Buch ist als Standardwerk für die wesentlichen Aspekte der Flächenhygiene in allen Bereichen der Versorgung von Patienten und Heimbewohnern konzipiert. Erkenntnisse aus der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Fachliteratur werden umfassend ausgewertet und dargestellt, Fallbeispiele, Infoboxen und Abbildungen erleichtern deren Lesbarkeit. Zahlreiche Tabellen ermöglichen eine intensivere Beschäftigung mit Einzelergebnissen. Mit einem Fazit am Ende eines jeden Kapitels werden die für die Praxis wesentlichen Erkenntnisse komprimiert zusammengefasst. Ein Team aus insgesamt 11 Autoren befasst sich im ersten Teil des Buches mit der Kontamination von Flächen, den Übertragungswegen, Flächen-assoziierten nosokomialen Infektionen, dem OP-Bereich, der unmittelbaren und erweiterten Patientenumgebung, Stethoskopen, mobilen elektronischen Geräten, der praktischen Durchführung von Reinigung und Desinfektion, dem Schutz der Mitarbeiter bei der Durchführung der Flächendesinfektion, den verschiedenen Tuchspendersystemen sowie der Qualitätssicherung in der Flächenhygiene. Im zweiten Buchteil werden die Prüfmethoden zur Bestimmung der Wirksamkeit, die antimikrobielle Wirkung der häufigsten chemischen Wirkstoffe - einschließlich Kupfer und Photodynamik - sowie Möglichkeiten zur Reduktion des bakteriellen Selektionsdrucks in der Flächendesinfektion beschrieben („Antimicrobial Stewardship“)." (Abgerufen am 22.05.2021 von


May 14, 2021
Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH is partner laboratory of the School of Life Science at UKE

Every year on August the 1st the training for Biological-Technical Assistant starts at the School of Life Science of the UKE. The two-year training is aimed at anyone with a keen interest in biology and, in particular, in a wide range of laboratory activities.

The first 9 months of the training focus on theory. This is followed by a year of gaining practical experience. In 3 internships of 4 months each, the students get the chance to get to know different institutes, such as us, the Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Microbiology and Hygiene.
very year on August the 1st the training for Biological-Technical Assistant starts at the School of Life Science of the UKE. The two-year training is aimed at anyone with a keen interest in biology and, in particular, in a wide range of laboratory activities.

The first 9 months of the training focus on theory. This is followed by a year of gaining practical experience. In 3 internships of 4 months each, the students get the chance to get to know different institutes, such as us, the Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Microbiology and Hygiene.

Lukas Kuhn completed his training at the School of Life Science of the UKE from 2017 - 2019. At that time, he did his first internship at our institute on Norderney. After his training, Lukas found his way back to us and has been working with us on Norderney ever since. There he is responsible for technology. Lukas keeps existing test stands running, carries out minor repairs and is involved in the development of new test methods and equipment.

"The work here on Norderney is special in that every day is different here. You work a lot outside at the harbor and on the beach and are dependent on the weather and tides there. My tasks here are very varied, from evaluating experiments to image processing and manual work. In addition, there is a very pleasant working atmosphere with top colleagues."

Applications to the School of Life Science for the training start August 2021 are still possible until May 31.

We look forward to sharing our knowledge and experience with all future interns.

April 22, 2021
11. eHealth-Lounge - "The Future of Hygiene"

Epidemics of influenza or the current Corona pandemic are impressive examples of how microorganisms can spread within a very short time and what consequences such spreads can have for a society. Viable hygiene concepts and preventive measures for the prevention of infections are therefore relevant in all areas of life. New, traceable and safe infection prevention solutions must be developed and implemented in hospitals as well as in inpatient and outpatient facilities and services.

Which (digital) solution options for better hygiene protection already exist and how can these solutions be transferred to other areas and sectors? What can we learn from the requirements of the pandemic? How will we deal with the issue of hygiene in the future? On the occasion of the International Day of Hand Hygiene, the eHealth Network Hamburg of Gesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg GmbH takes up these and other questions in our next online event and invites you to the 11th eHealth Lounge - "The Future of Hygiene". 

Date: May 5, 2021

Time: 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

You can find more information about the event HERE

April 19, 2021
15th Congress for Hospital Hygiene

The following lectures will be held by speakers from our company:

12.04.21: 17:15 – 18:45, Live stream 2, Hygiene in der Pflege ll: Development of practice-simulation in vivo efficacy test method for Alcohol-based Handrubs based on EN 1500 and ASTM E2755
F. H. H. Brill, R. A. Leslie, S. Pahl, M. Suchomel, D. R. Macinga (Akron/USA, Rootstown/USA, Hamburg, Wien/Österreich)

13.04.21: 09:00 – 10:30, Live stream 2, Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten l - Thermolabile flexible Endoskope: Advantage of pH neutral peracetic acid over peracetic acid in reduction of viable count of biofilms
F. H. H. Brill, B. Meyer, S. Eschborn, M. Schmidt, H. Gabriel (Hamburg, Monheim am Rhein)

13.04.21: 15:30 – 17:05, Live stream 1, Klinische Antiseptik ll: Evaluation of the Virucidal Efficacy of Alcohol-based Hand Rubs against Norovirus – Comparison of International Test Methods
F. H. H. Brill, J. Steinmann, K. Ormandy, S. Pahl, B. Becker, D. Paulmann, D. S. Paulson (Hamburg, Denby/UK, Bozeman/USA)

14.04.21: 10:35 – 12:15, Live stream 3, Freie Vorträge: Fibrin-Prüfkörper – Ein praxisnahes Prüfmodell zur vergleichenden Bewertung der Wirksamkeit von Instrumentenreinigern
M. Wehrl, U. Rosenberg, F.H.H. Brill, H. Gabriel, A. Kampe, W. Michels, K. Roth, L. Schnieder, P. Frey, J. Köhnlein, O. Riebe, A. Hartung, R. Bloß, G. Kirmse, M.-T. Linner, D. Martini, M. Tschoerner, U. Weber, S. Krüger, H. Martiny, J. Gebel (Krefeld, Zuchwil/Schweiz, Hamburg, Warburg, Tübingen, Schwerin, Frankfurt am Main, München, Lörrach, Gütersloh, Grünendeich, Berlin, Bonn)

Das humane Plasma-basierte Wund-Biofilm-Modell (hpBIOM): Eine praxisnahe Methode zur Evaluierung der Wirksamkeit von antimikrobiellen Wundspüllösungen und physikalischen Therapien im Milieu chronischer Wunden
A. Kampe, F. H. H. Brill, E. K. Stürmer (Hamburg)

April 18, 2021
Online Lunch MIT

As part of the "Online Lunches MIT" webinar series, Dr. Florian H. H. Brill will give a lecture entitled: "Hamburg 2040 - The healthcare industry as an opportunity for the city - innovation, research, jobs and healthy living in the metropolitan region". 
The lecture will take place on 18.05.2021 from 12:30 - 13:30 and will be moderated by Ralf-Martin Diedrich. 

You can find more information HERE on our event page

April 10, 2021
Feature on NDR: "Company vaccination bases: how Hamburg companies want to support the vaccination campaign"

In yesterday's issue (09.04.2021) of the Hamburg Journal, the article "Company vaccination bases: how Hamburg companies want to support the vaccination campaign" appeared. In it, the managing director of the Hilpress company talks about the idea of setting up a joint vaccination center for company Corona vaccinations with some of the surrounding companies. The interview took place in our meeting room as a possible future vaccination center.

Here you can find the link to the broadcast. The feature starts at minute 08:50.,sendung1140230.html

April 10, 2021
Beitrag im NDR: "Betriebliche Impfstützpunkte: wie Hamburger Unternehmen die Impfkampagne unterstützen wollen"

In yesterday's issue (09.04.2021) of the Hamburg Journal, the article "Company vaccination bases: how Hamburg companies want to support the vaccination campaign" appeared. In it, the managing director of the Hilpress company talks about the idea of setting up a joint vaccination center for company Corona vaccinations with some of the surrounding companies. The interview took place in our meeting room as a possible future vaccination center.

Here you can find the link to the broadcast. The feature starts at minute 08:50.,sendung1140230.html