News Archive

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March 29, 2021
DISTANCE WEBINAR “Mechanisms and assessment of bacterial resistance”

Dr. Pierre Grascha is an expert in chemical processes in industry. In 2015, Dr. Pierre Grascha founded SPG ACTIONS, a private consulting and training company specialized in formulation of cosmetic and biocidal products, microbiology, hygiene in production and industrial chemical processes.

On 16th of April 2021, Dr. Pierre Grascha invites to the webinar "Mechanisms and assessment of bacterial resistance". 
This webinar will provide participants with knowledge about the different mechanisms that lead to bacterial resistance. It will also teach participants how to assess the risk of microbial resistance.

The seminar will be held from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. All further information about the event can be found HERE 

We hope you enjoy the seminar!


March 29, 2021
Neues Forschungsprojekt: HaptoCheck

Development of a standardized test method to evaluate the anti-adhesion properties of surfaces against biofilms on ship hulls.

Akronym: HaptoCheck - ZIM-Förderkennzeichen KK5193801KS0

The present project addresses the development of a test method for the adhesive strength of microbial coatings (biofilms) on ship hulls. Biofilms form the first stage of colonization of surfaces and create the basis for macroscopic fouling, which has a negative impact on fuel consumption in shipping.

The main focus of the research project is initially to establish series of measurements on the detachment of biofilms from test surfaces as a function of wall shear stress. For this purpose, a laboratory-scale test apparatus will be produced to simulate the sailing speed of ships in practice. On this basis, abiotic model substances are to be developed, with the aid of which the adhesion of microbial surface coatings to antifouling coatings can be simulated in the test apparatus and used to quantify such effects as part of a standardized test procedure. On the basis of the test results, a final evaluation of the effectiveness of such coating systems is to be 
which should enable developers to optimize the non-stick properties of their products more cost-effectively and effectively.

The resulting new test method is a screening test for estimating the effectiveness of antifouling systems. It is a seasonally independent rapid test procedure that will provide paint companies with quick results for further development. The procedure will not be able to replace the later semi-annual open water tests with the promising variants, but it will accelerate the development work of the companies.

March 29, 2021
15. Kongress für Krankenhaushygiene

The following lectures will be held by speakers from our company:

12.04.21: 17:15 – 18:45, Live stream 2, Hygiene in der Pflege ll: Development of practice-simulation in vivo efficacy test method for Alcohol-based Handrubs based on EN 1500 and ASTM E2755
F. H. H. Brill, R. A. Leslie, S. Pahl, M. Suchomel, D. R. Macinga (Akron/USA, Rootstown/USA, Hamburg, Wien/Österreich)

13.04.21: 09:00 – 10:30, Live stream 2, Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten l - Thermolabile flexible Endoskope: Advantage of pH neutral peracetic acid over peracetic acid in reduction of viable count of biofilms
F. H. H. Brill, B. Meyer, S. Eschborn, M. Schmidt, H. Gabriel (Hamburg, Monheim am Rhein)

13.04.21: 15:30 – 17:05, Live stream 1, Klinische Antiseptik ll: Evaluation of the Virucidal Efficacy of Alcohol-based Hand Rubs against Norovirus – Comparison of International Test Methods
F. H. H. Brill, J. Steinmann, K. Ormandy, S. Pahl, B. Becker, D. Paulmann, D. S. Paulson (Hamburg, Denby/UK, Bozeman/USA)

14.04.21: 10:35 – 12:15, Live stream 3, Freie Vorträge: Fibrin-Prüfkörper – Ein praxisnahes Prüfmodell zur vergleichenden Bewertung der Wirksamkeit von Instrumentenreinigern
M. Wehrl, U. Rosenberg, F.H.H. Brill, H. Gabriel, A. Kampe, W. Michels, K. Roth, L. Schnieder, P. Frey, J. Köhnlein, O. Riebe, A. Hartung, R. Bloß, G. Kirmse, M.-T. Linner, D. Martini, M. Tschoerner, U. Weber, S. Krüger, H. Martiny, J. Gebel (Krefeld, Zuchwil/Schweiz, Hamburg, Warburg, Tübingen, Schwerin, Frankfurt am Main, München, Lörrach, Gütersloh, Grünendeich, Berlin, Bonn)

Das humane Plasma-basierte Wund-Biofilm-Modell (hpBIOM): Eine praxisnahe Methode zur Evaluierung der Wirksamkeit von antimikrobiellen Wundspüllösungen und physikalischen Therapien im Milieu chronischer Wunden
A. Kampe, F. H. H. Brill, E. K. Stürmer (Hamburg)

March 14, 2021
Dr. Brill Institutes erneut als familienfreundliches Unternehmen ausgezeichnet

After a renewed audit by the Hamburg Alliance for Families, we are allowed to "wear" the family seal for another 3 years. 

As a large family business, this award is particularly important to us. We offer flexible, family-friendly working time models, individual reintegration after parental leave, flexitime and mobile working.

February 24, 2021
"Untermieter" auf Norderney
February 16, 2021
Ein genormter Test zur Bestimmung der Resistenzentwicklung bei Mikroorganismen gegen Biozide

The aim of this project is to develop a standardized microbiological test method to determine the potential for emergence of resistance and cross-resistance in the use of surface disinfectants and antimicrobial surfaces. The focus is on the emergence of resistance to disinfectants and material protection agents through de novo mutations. These resistances may pose a particular risk because they confer cross-resistance to antibiotics.
Disinfectants and antimicrobial material coatings are approved under the EU Biocides Regulation. The regulation provides for assessment of the risk of emergence of resistance and cross-resistance, but currently lacks standardized test methods to provide a framework for assessment by industrial applicants and assessing authorities. The test method to be developed in the project, based on efficacy tests for surface disinfection (DIN EN 13697:2019 and the DIN EN 16615:2015), will allow biocide manufacturers to have their product tested for resistance development by independent testing institutes. The results will enable authorities to make a better assessment of resistance risk in the context of authorization under the EU Biocides Regulation.
The work is being carried out in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM).


February 14, 2021
Ökostrom von Lichtblick

For some time now, our company purchasing green electricity from the Hamburg-based provider Lichtblick. The electricity is generated 100% from hydropower. We also purchase natural gas from Lichtblick - through a climate protection project in Ghana, the CO2 emissions generated will be compensated. 
In this way, we save 55.81 tons of CO2 annually.
In addition, Lichtblick supports social projects such as Hamburg Leuchtfeuer with the "Kiezstrom" initiative together with FC St. Pauli von 1910 e.V..

Translated with (free version)

January 19, 2021
Dr. Brill empfiehlt: Hytrain Schulungsset

Patented process developed for hygiene training: Making germs, transmission paths and disinfection visible, thereby improving hygiene compliance.

Germs are invisible...Unknowingly, this can create a deceptive feeling of security. After all, the transmission of microorganisms from one surface to the next happens in secret.

But it is precisely this mechanism that must be consciously demonstrated in hygiene training courses, so that correct behavior can then be anchored and successfully transferred into practice. A white surface - the trainer takes a colorless spray and sprays it on the surface: blue dots gradually appear in front of the participants' eyes - astonishment and questioning looks... are these the germs that are on the surface?

Now the leader uses the blue "germs" to illustrate transmission paths: from a surface via gloved hands to the sterile packaging of a venous catheter and on to the arm of a patient manikin.

After appropriate explanations, the next "aha effect" follows. The success of disinfection becomes visible: Another colorless solution - applicable as a spray or cloth soaking solution - makes the blue "germs" disappear again before the eyes of the participants. However, this is only possible if the correct technique is used and the surfaces are sufficiently wetted. Neither UV light nor a darkened room are necessary: The deceptively real simulation takes place in daylight and in front of a large audience. This is made possible by the HyTrain® training set - a new and patented training system. 

Depending on the field of activity, many practical processes can be simulated with the HyTrain® training set: specifically for doctors, nurses and cleaning staff. The visual power of the demonstration makes any language barriers of the participants less important. Even the effectiveness of hand disinfection can be demonstrated on gloved hands. The HyTrain® training set was recently patented.

Further information:

©HyTrain GmbH



January 15, 2021
Webinar Aufzeichnungen nun bei Dr. Brill Academy verfügbar

As of today, recordings of the webinar series "Online Update Hygiene and Infection Prevention: COVID-19" are available on the Dr. Brill Academy website. HERE you can access the recordings. 


December 31, 2020

Dear customers and partners,

2020 was a challenging year for all of us, in business and in our private lives. This was also the case for the Dr. Brill Group. We have been able to adapt quickly to the new situation and have conducted many video conferences, but personal contact is often missing. In any case, I am proud of my team how we have mastered this and even managed to not only maintain but also expand our capacities under these difficult conditions.We would like to thank all our customers and cooperation partners for the great cooperation, all the flexibility and we are looking forward to 2021, then hopefully with personal meetings again.

I wish you, your families and your teams health and success for 2021 and us a continued good cooperation.


Best regards,

Florian Brill

December 15, 2020
Digital Health in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is considered to be a pioneer in the field of digital health. 

In a blog post by hamburg2040, Dr. Florian Brill addressed the question of what Hamburg can learn from Tel Aviv in the field of digital health. 

Click here to read the article: