News Archive

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March 14, 2018
Bremen, 7 – 8 June 2018: Biofouling and biocorrosion in the marine sector - challenges and protective measures
From 7 - 8 June 2018 the Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH presents the seminar „Biofouling and biocorrosion in the marine sector - challenges and protective measures“. The seminar will take place in Bremen. For further program details please click here. Registration is still possible. Kindly contact Mrs. Gesche von der Lieth ( for registration.
March 14, 2018
Alternative methods to animal experiments - Dr. Brill is ZIM network partner
Since November 2017, the Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology is a network member of the new project “Alternative methods to animal experiments“ (funding code: 16KN077201). The project is funded by The Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM - Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand) of the BMWi and coordinated by the EurA AG. The aim of the project is to develop new toxicological test methods as an alternative to animal experiments.  The Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH is interested in this topic as we always look for new opportunities to expand our portfolio. For further information, please check the following website:
March 13, 2018
Novellierung der Trinkwasserverordnung
Am 15. Dezember 2017 wurde im Bundesrat die Änderung der Trinkwasserverordnung verabschiedet. Mit der Anpassung der Verordnung hat der Gesetzgeber im Wesentlichen die Verantwortung und somit auch die Haftung für die Analyse und den Probenahmeprozess gemäß §14 Trinkwasserverordnung (TrinkwV) auf das ausführende Labor übertragen. Alle damit verbundenen Änderungen sind bereits zwischen unseren Partnern und uns geregelt. Wir freuen uns, weiterhin mit unseren Partnern für Sie da zu sein.
March 6, 2018
Hygiene, Infection & Health (HIHeal)
The Hygiene, Infection & Health (HIHeal) project aims to establish a cross-cluster network in hygiene, infection & health along a joint value chain between the Gesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg GmbH and Life Science Nord Management GmbH clusters. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.We are proud to be a member of the advisory board for the project and assist the HIHeal innovation cluster with our expertise. For further information about the project, please check the following website:
March 6, 2018
Dr. Brill at EWMA
We are proud to announce that our abstracts “A Systematic Review of the Risk of Bacterial Resistance to Silver” and "No induction of Antimicrobial Resistance against Silverions or Antibiotic Cross-Resistance towards Antibiotics" have been accepted for paper poster and the former also as electronic poster presentation at the EWMA 2018 conference. The conference will take place from May 9 – 11, 2018 in Krakow, Poland.
March 5, 2018
Dr. Florian H. H. Brill appointed as a new member of the scientific advisory board of the journal aseptica
aseptica is a journal covering topics such as hospital and surgery hygiene. As an expert in the field of hygiene and microbiology, Dr. Florian H. H. Brill will support with his profound know-how the scientific advisory board. aseptica is published four times a year in German and once in English.
January 1, 2018
New Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion after merger with LimnoMar Norderney
We are delighted to announce today that the two well-established family-owned companies Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie, Hamburg, and Dr. Burkard T. Watermann / LimnoMar, Norderney, have been merged. At our site on Norderney we will continue to offer under the supervision of Dipl.-Geogr. Bernd Daehne and under the umbrella of Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH research on fouling and antifouling, testing for shipping industry, offshore industry, mariculture and recreational craft. We combine these activities with the existing activities in the field of biofilm, biofouling and microbial induced corrosion (MIC) in our new Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion. An overview of our locations can be found here: LocationsFor your research and development projects you will profit from the standardized test methods, high quality, long-standing experience, extensive service and excellent expertise. Everything both companies stand for will be mark-up us in the future. The extended range of services of micro and macro biological testing perfectly complements each other. It allows us to act more efficiently and customer-oriented. At the same time this step ensures the smooth transition to the next generation and the continuance of the respective core competencies and contact person on Norderney. Dr. Watermann will continue with consultancy services with his company LimnoMar in Hamburg. Amongst others he will closely cooperate with the Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH.
December 14, 2017
Save the Date: 4th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology
Hamburg, 22 - 23 November 2018 - The 4th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology has been scheduled. The successful 2017 conference with more than 100 participants from 18 countries and excellent talks motivates us to invite you to our next conference in 2018, which will be held on November 22nd and 23rd in Hamburg, Germany, proudly presented by Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie and DR. BRILL ACADEMY. The conference will be held again in the Ameron Speicherstadt Hotel in Hamburg, which is located in the scenic and historic "Speicherstadt". A detailed event review from the last conference can be found here.Please save the date. We would be more than happy to welcome you in Hamburg. For pre-registration please send an email to Mrs Gesche von der Lieth ( Further conference details including the program will be communicated and published as soon as possible on our website Your scientific committee of the Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology (in alphabetical order):Dr. Florian H. H. Brill, HamburgProfessor Dr. Johannes Knobloch, HamburgProfessor Dr. Eike Steinmann, HanoverProfessor Dr. Jörg Steinmann, Nuremberg
December 14, 2017
Arab Health 2018: Please visit us!
Between January 29 and February 1, 2018, Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie will be exhibiting at the Arab Health in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Please contact us to schedule a meeting at the North German joint pavilion of Life Science Nord, Za'abeel Hall 2 / Z2.K34, or for a visti to your booth. Dr. Florian Brill and Mr. Steffen Pahl will be there for you personally. Further information can be found here and under
December 8, 2017
Summary of the 3rd Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology
On November 2nd and 3rd 2017 the 3rd Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology organized by Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie GmbH in cooperation with Life Science Nord GmbH took place in the Ameron Hotel in “Hamburg Speicherstadt”. The meanwhile internationally recognized event was dedicated to specialists for „Research & Development“ and registration of biocidal products for infection prevention according to biocidal products regulation (BPR), medical device manufacturers, scientists from test laboratories and authorities. The event intends to act as a platform for open exchange and discussion as well as know-how transfer between participants from industry, laboratories and registration specialists. Current developments of the BPR including efficacy evaluation of biocidal products in PT 1 to 5 have been addressed. On the event Dr. Florian H. H. Brill presented to the more than 100 international participants from 18 countries a detailed overview about the current and future requirements for substantiation of bactericidal, fungicidal, mycobactericidal and sporicidal activity claims during the product development and registrations of a biocidal product. In addition, core elements of the new ECHA guidance document for efficacy evaluation of biocidal products of PT 1 to 5 have been presented. Also recently published EN-standard and current review as well as new development test method for disinfectants and antiseptics haven been discussed including the prEN 17126 for sporicidal activity testing of disinfectants in the human medicine area. The focus was not only the new methodological challenges of the test methods, but also the link and impact on current and future product development. Furthermore, information has been transferred about how already available test reports and expert opinions can be updated due to currently amended and revised EN-standards. The international recognized virologist Dr. Jochen Steinmann as well as Dr. Dajana Paulmann continued with their talks about current developments of phase 2 step 2 virucidal test methods according to prEN 16777 for surface disinfectants, prEN 17111 for instrument disinfectants, following EN 1500 for hand rubs und following EN 16615 for virucidal activity evaluation of surface disinfectants.This year’s key note speakers Professor Dr. Andreas Voss and Professor Dr. Günter Kampf addressed current and future topics about the clinical challenges of infection prevention and control. In a wonderful talk, Professor Dr. Andreas Voss gave insights of a professional outbreak management in the clinical setting. Aspects of patient safety and patient involvement as well as management of Multi-Drug-Resistant Organisms have been highlighted including relevant measurements such as hand hygiene and cleaning and disinfection of the environment. One of the leading scientists in hand hygiene Professor Dr. Günter Kampf presented current data on clinically relevant efficacy evaluation of alcohol-based hand rubs. He discussed the obvious differences between the laboratory conditions and the data generated under these standardized conditions versus the clinical use of these products including possible solutions for the development of the test standards.It can be concluded that the event with meeting highly accepted experts in their respective field of applied hygiene microbiology and virology with industry experts was an excellent possibility to open discussions on the above mentioned topics. To ensure a continuation of these discussions the 4th “Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology“ will take place on November 22nd and 23rd 2018 at the same location in the Ameron Hotel in Hamburg. Please feel kindly invited to the 2018 event.
December 6, 2017
Joint project BasaltFiberFlock - New research project for our Institute
Our institute is now part of the joint project "BasaltFiberFlock - Development, production and process engineering of a flocking technology for maritime structures based on a basalt flock fiber". The project is part of the research program "Maritime Technologies of the Next Generation" of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. The joint project is based on the intention to derive special load profiles on maritime structures and their design for novel coating systems. The main goal is the development of a process for the production of basalt flock fibers as well as their preparation and further processing in the electrostatic direct flocking process for the protection of maritime structures and, if applicable, also underwater surfaces of ships. The specific properties of the basalt pulp are intended to be used for durability in terms of high corrosion, UV and chemical resistance. The joint project is funded by the Federal Republic of Germany. The donor is the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.
November 16, 2017
Hamburg Family Seal: Award as a family-friendly employer
With the awarding of the "Hamburg Family Seal" by the "Hamburg Alliance for Families", our institute was confirmed that it is particularly committed to the reconciliation of family and work. As the bearer of the "Hamburg Family Seal", Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie stands for a company policy that supports employees in agreeing career opportunities with the demands of family challenges. After all, family-friendly personnel policy is an important factor in competition for well-trained specialists and at the same time it is additional motivation for happier employees. Moreover, family-friendly companies make an important contribution to the development of the growing city of Hamburg. The "Hamburg Alliance for Families", to which the Senate, Chamber of Commerce and Chamber of Crafts have joined forces, would like to honor these companies and set an example for more family friendliness. We are proud to now belong to the circle of bearers of the "Hamburger Familiensiegel". Our certificate can be found under "Certificates" and here as a download.