News Archive

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July 25, 2018
Further Key Note confirmed: Dr. Lonne Gerritsen - Efficacy Testing Strategy for Biocidal Product Families
Dr. Lonne Gerritsen, the European expert of efficacy evaluation for biocidal products will honor us with her presence at our Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology this November in Hamburg. She worked for the Netherlands competent authority ctgb for more than 10 years as well as in the ECHA efficacy working group. She influenced the European view on this essential part of biocidal product dossiers. Now she is working as an expert for Knoell NL. Dr. Lonne Gerritsen will speak about HER topic "Efficacy Testing Strategy for Biocidal Product Families" and gives us highly valuable insights of the ECHA procedures for efficacy evaluation. The accordingly updated program and the registration form can be downloaded here:
July 18, 2018
BRILLiant Power and BRILLiant Speed beim 17. Hamburg Wasser ITU World Triathlon
As BRILLiant Power and BRILLIANT SPEED, two teams consisting of employees of our institute took part in the 17th Hamburg Wasser ITU World Triathlon. In the sprint distance relay of the HAMBURG ENERGIE FIRMENCUP excellent positions were won (BRILLIANT POWER: 138. / BRILLIANT SPEED: 102.) - and above all, all participants had a lot of fun. The results and certificates can be downloaded here.
July 17, 2018
Expansion of our business activities by including “microbiological challenging test for air conditioning evaporator” – Dr. Reinhold Hilpert method
As of 1 June 2018 we expanded our business activities by including the well-established test method from Dr. Reinhold Hilpert for the microbiological challenging test for air conditioning evaporator. We are delighted and proud to have the privilege of continuing the well-established and outstanding know-how of Dr. Hilpert. We stay in close contact to him in order to be able to offer you the usual services. The test method “microbiological challenging test for air conditioning evaporator” has been integrated into our Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion and established in Bremen. This step ensures the smooth transition to the next generation and the continuance of the respective core competencies of Dr. Hilpert. Dr. Hilpert will continue with consultancy service and will closely cooperate with the Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH.
July 4, 2018
Key Note Lectures from Professor Dr. Markus Dettenkofer und Professor Dr. Johannes Knobloch
At the 4th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology (Hamburg, 22-23 November 2018) we will be pleased to present you among others Professor Dr. Markus Dettenkofer and Professor Dr. Johannes Knobloch as top-class speakers. The most important health challenge worldwide is the development of multi-resistant organisms and their control. The internationally recognized expert Professor Dr. Markus Dettenkofer will bring you up to date from a clinical perspective. The evaluation of the practice-like efficacy of disinfection procedures will be the Key Note Lecture's topic of Professor Dr. Johannes Knobloch. A tradition of the CAHMV conference is to inform you about the development of new test methods at CEN and ECHA level including their impact on your products and strategy. Dr. Jochen Steinmann and Dr. Florian H. H. Brill will expand your knowledge of the current state of the art. The program and the registration form can be found under the following link. We look forward to your registration.
June 15, 2018
Lecture at the FoulProtect 2018 symposium: Test methods and results in the FoulProtect project
At the FoulProtect 2018 symposium of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials Research IFAM, which will take place on 25 September 2018 in Bremen, Bernd Daehne, Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Antifouling and Microbiology, will give a talk on methods for testing the antifouling effect. The title of the talk is "Test Methods and Results in the FoulProtect Project". All further information about this event can be found in our Academy Calendar under the following link:
June 14, 2018
Lecture at the GEO Day of Nature: Fascinating underwater world in the harbor of Norderney
The lecture will take place during the event "Treasure Island Norderney revisited" on June 16, 2018 on Norderney. Bernd Daehne, Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Antifouling und Biokorrosion, Norderney, will introduce animal and plant species that are dependent on hard soil as growth, as it occurs naturally only rarely on the Wadden Sea coast. Some species can be seen at low tide see e.g. on the quay wall or groynes, but many live below the low water line. This fascinating underwater world is for many boat owners largely unknown, as it is undesirable as vegetation on ship hulls and is prevented with protective coatings. All details about this event can be found at the following link:
June 12, 2018
Poster presentation at the ICMCF: Basalt Fiber Flock as a novel, environmentally friendly antifoulant
From June 24 to 29, 2018 the International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling ( will be held at the Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida, USA. Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion, Norderney, will be represented with the poster "Basalt Fiber Flock as a novel, environmentally friendly antifoulant". Authors are Jörg Zschätzsch, Bernd Daehne, Marlies Günther, Steffen Dietsch, Klaus Heinemann, Torsten Blum, Torsten Kunz. Abstract:, page 119 (poster 78).
June 11, 2018
Lecture from Dr. Gehrke at the Final Conference of RILEM TC 253-MCI, Microorganisms-Cementitious Materials Interactions
"Accelerated testing of materials under the influence of biogenic sulphuric acid corrosion" is the title of the lecture, which Dr. Tilman Gehrke, Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Antifouling and Microbiology, Bremen, will give at the Final Conference of RILEM TC 253-MCI, Microorganisms-Cementitious Materials Interactions, which takes place from 25th to 26th June 2018 in Toulouse. Authors are Holger Wack, Tilman Gehrke, Wolfgang Sand, Frank Pape, Damian Hintemann, Florian Brill and Stephan Deckert. All further information about the conference can be found here:
June 7, 2018
Poster presentation at the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) conference "Microbe 2018"
"Pathogens from the Arctic: What is the real risk?" is the title of the poster which will be presented at the ASM conference "Microbe 2018" ( by Diana C. Mogrovejo-Arias on Saturday 09th, June in Atlanta, USA. Autors are Diana C. Mogrovejo-Arias and Dr. Florian H. H. Brill, Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie, Hamburg.
June 6, 2018
Member of the DGKH expert commission "Hygienic safety of medical devices"
Dr. Florian Brill wurde im Rahmen der 1. Sitzung 2018 der DGKH-Fachkommission "Hygienische Sicherheit medizintechnischer Produkte" als Mitglied aufgenommen. Der Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft wurde einstimmig angenommen. Die Bestätigung seiner Mitgliedschaft in der Fachkommission durch den Vorstand der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene e.V. ist bereits erfolgt.Dr. Florian Brill was admitted to the DGKH commission on "Hygienic safety of medical technology products" as part of the first meeting in 2018. The application for membership was accepted unanimously. Confirmation of his membership in the commission by the board of the German Society for Hospital Hygiene e.V. has already taken place.
April 18, 2018
Große Pfeilkalmare auf Norderney gefunden - Bestimmung durch unser Institut
Am 9. April 2018 wurden auf Norderney zwei Kalmare gefunden. Die genaue Bestimmung der Tiere durch Bernd Daehne, Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Antifouling und Biokorrosion ergab, dass es sich dabei um Große Pfeilkalmare handelt. Da derartige Funde äußerst selten sind, wurde sowohl in der Zeitung Norderneyer Morgen, als auch in der Norderneyer Badezeitung darüber berichtet. Möglicherweise profitieren die Tiere von den Fundamenten der Offshore-Windkraftanlagen, da Kalmare ausreichend Hartsubstrat für ein Leben auf dem sonst sandigen Meeresboden benötigen. Zwischenzeitlich wurden unserem Institut weitere Funde von Norderney und Baltrum gemeldet.
March 14, 2018
14th Conference of the German Society for Hospital Hygiene (DGKH)
The 14th conference of the German Society for Hospital Hygiene (DGKH) includes various presentation and posters by Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH. The conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene e.V. will take place from 18th to 21st of March 2018 in Berlin. Below please find an overview of our contributions to the conference (German language only):19.03.2018, 11:30 - 13:00, Saal Berlin 1 - Symposium - Methoden der Wirksamkeitsprüfungen  Optimierung der tuberkuloziden Wirksamkeitsprüfung nach DIN EN 14348J. Lenz, F. H. H. Brill, N. Radischat, C. Lach, H. Gabriel, K. Steinhauer, L. Paßvogel  (Hamburg, Norderstedt)In vitro-Wirksamkeit von Desinfektionsmitteln gegen klinisch relevante Pilzisolate von PatientenF. H. H. Brill, J. Steinmann (Hamburg, Nürnberg)Prüfmodell für die vergleichende Bewertung von Reinigungsmitteln zur manuellen Aufbereitung von Instrumenten – Arbeit der AG RMT der DGKH e.V.M. Wehrl, R. Bloß, F. Brill, P. Frey, H. Gabriel, J. Gebel, A. Hartung, A. Kampe, G. Kirmse, S. Koch, S. Krüger, D. Martini, H. Martiny, W. Michels, O. Riebe, U. Rosenberg, K. Roth, L. Schnieder, M. Tschoerner, U. Weber (Kalbach, Hamburg, Tübingen, Bonn, Frankfurt a. M., Tuttlingen, Grünendeich, Berlin, Warburg, Schwerin, Zuchwil, Gütersloh)20.03.2018, 08:30 - 10:00, Saal Berlin 2 - Symposium - Antiseptik  Virucidal activity of WHO-recommended formulations against enveloped viruses including Zika, Ebola and emerging CoronavirusesJ. Steinmann, A. Siddharta, S. Pfaender, N. J. Vielle, R. Dijkman, M. Friesland, B. Becker, J. Yang, M. Engelmann, D. Todt, M. P. Windisch, F. H. H. Brill, S. Pahl,  J. Steinmann, S. Becker, M. P. Alves, T. Pietschmann, M. Eickmann, V. Thiel, E. Steinmann (Bremen, Hannover, Bern, Korea, Duisburg-Essen, Marburg)21.03.2018, 09:00 - 10:30, Saal Berlin 2 - Symposium - Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten  Hygienische Aufbereitung von Ultraschallsonden mit einem Desinfektionstuchsystem in Anlehnung an den 4-Felder-Test und DIN EN ISO 17664S. Pahl, J. Steinmann, L. Henningsen, B. Becker, B. Bischoff, F. H. H. Brill, J.-H. Klock, H. Gabriel (Hamburg)Verfahren zur Eliminierung von Matrixeffekten bei der Bestimmung des Restproteingehalts von manuell aufbereiteten dentalen ÜbertragungsinstrumentenA. Kampe, M. Wehrl, F. H. H. Brill (Hamburg, Krefeld)21.03.2018, 13:15 - 14:45, Saal Berlin 2 - Symposium - Reinigung und Flächendesinfektion - Teil 2Bedeutung unbelebter Oberflächen für die Transmission von Erregern – eine Umfrage des HIHeal NetzwerkesJ. K.-M. Knobloch, F. Saathoff, F. H. H. Brill (Hamburg)Die Viruswirksamkeit von Tuchtränkesystemen bei der Flächendesinfektion. Was kann ein 4-Felder-Test hier leisten?J. Steinmann, B. Becker, L. Ruffert, B. Bischoff, F. H. H. Brill, D. Paulmann (Bremen)Poster:Update, Infektionsrisiko durch Legionellen- 5 Jahre nach den Novellen der TrinkwasserverordnungM. Kummerfeld, F. H. H. Brill, H. Gabriel, D. Todt, E. Steinmann, S. Pahl (Hamburg, Hannover)Scientific Program 2018: