News Archive

You will find the latest information about our company and industries here. Please feel free to contact us with any questions and suggestions relating to our topics or content!

December 15, 2020
Digital Health in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is considered to be a pioneer in the field of digital health. 

In a blog post by hamburg2040, Dr. Florian Brill addressed the question of what Hamburg can learn from Tel Aviv in the field of digital health. 

Click here to read the article: 

December 8, 2020
November 17, 2020
Virtueller Biofouling Workshop - Aktuelle Branchenentwicklung

Am 24.11.2020 von 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr findet der "Virtuelle Biofouling Workshop" statt. Eine gute Möglichkeit, um die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Innovationen zum Thema Biofouling aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu betrachten und zu diskutieren. Als Sprecher ist unter anderem Bernd Daehne aus unserem Hause mit dem Thema: "Testmethoden zur Erprobung innovativer Antifouling-Systeme" vertreten.
Bis zum 22.11.2020 können Sie sich  HIER zum Workshop anmelden. 


Das Programm:

10:00 Uhr: Begrüßung Dr. Susanne Neumann, Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V.

10:05 Uhr: Vorstellung der Marktübersicht „Lösungsansätze gegen Biofouling an Schiffsrümpfen“ Dr. Rainer Henking, EurA AG Eva von Soosten, Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V.

10:20 Uhr: Anforderungen an Biofouling-Systeme aus Sicht der Anwender Jürgen Gerdes, Maritime Engineering & Solutions GmbH

10:35 Uhr: Erforschung innovativer Antifouling-Systeme am Beispiel des Projektes FoulLas: Fouling-Entfernung von maritimen Oberflächen mittels Laserstrahlung unter Wasser Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Emde, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.

10:50 Uhr: Testmethoden zur Erprobung innovativer Antifouling-Systeme Bernd Daehne, Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH

11:05 Uhr: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in regionalen, nationalen und internationalen Gremien Dr. Katja Broeg, BSH Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie

11:20 Uhr: Roadmap Biofouling – Kollaborative Wege zu praxisorientierten Lösungen Dr. Rainer Henking, EurA AG

11:35 Uhr: Fragen und Diskussion

11:55 Uhr: Zusammenfassung der Veranstaltung und Abschluss Eva von Soosten, Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V.

12:00 Uhr: Ende der Veranstaltung Im Anschluss Offener Austausch Alle Interessierten 

November 14, 2020
Filtering system under test

On Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24, 2020, the jetty of the Norderney Sailing Club (SVN) was taken out of the water and cleaned. A filter system developed by Dr. Brill + Partner and the SVN was tested to remove biocides and paint residues from the antifouling paints. The four-stage filter system, consisting of sedimentation tank, fiber peat filter and activated carbon filter, was installed directly next to the "wash place" to filter the wash water on the spot and thus prevent the antifouling biocides from getting into the environment.

In the course of the day, weak points of the system could be identified and eliminated. It turned out that the wash water was produced faster than it could be filtered. This was remedied by a 4 m3 container, which was spontaneously made available free of charge by the Onnen company and acted as a buffer storage. It also showed that the water produced contained significantly more suspended solids and sediments than expected. The suspended matter settled faster than expected on the felt mats used and hindered the flow of the water. As a result, the felt mats were replaced with gauze, which prevented clogging, so that the filter worked properly again.

The filtered wash water was then discharged into the dock. Visually, a clear filter performance was visible, the analysis results are still pending.

November 6, 2020
Update CAHMV 2020

Due to the current corona measures we modified the format of this year's CAHMV. For the first time the CAHMV will take place as an online event only. To be able to realise this, we had to make some program changes. Information about the program and registration can be found on our event page ( 
Due to these changes, the ticket price could be reduced significantly. 
Despite the circumstances we are looking forward to an informative CAHMV! If you have any questions, please contact us. 

October 28, 2020
Ethanol is being re-evaluated

Ethanol is one of the most widely used active ingredients for hand disinfection and has proven itself for decades for this purpose. According to the current Bioziod legislation, ethanol as an active ingredient must nevertheless be re-evaluated and approved. Currently, there is a risk that ethanol will no longer be available as an active ingredient in the future. 

The VAH has mandated and coordinated a statement on this issue, which is supported by many institutions. You can download the statement under the following link: Download Statement


September 25, 2020
International Coastal Cleanup Day 2020 auf Norderney

Plastic waste and microplastics are probably the most discussed environmental topics at the moment besides global warming. On September 19, 2020, the staff of our Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion on Norderney participated again in the International Ocean Cleanup Day.

The campaign was carried out together with the local BUND district group and the seventh-grade students from Norderney, who were also introduced to the habitat and waste problem. The Norderney public swimming pool and the technical services supported the action with man and machine. Fishing nets made of plastic accounted for the largest share of the stranded garbage. However, blankets and clothing from 342 containers of MS ZOE, lost at the beginning of 2019, were also found. In addition, numerous packages and containers, some from faraway countries, paint rollers, car spoilers, toilet covers and brushes, but also a whale rib and a message in a bottle were found. For more than 30 years, the US environmental organization Ocean Conservancy has been calling for the largest voluntary marine protection campaign - the International Coastal Cleanup Day


September 11, 2020
Australian lime tube worm - boat owners in trouble

From year to year there are also biological news in our work. In 2020 some boat owners in brackish water harbours like Hooksiel or Emden have experienced a nasty surprise. Within a short period of time, some ships and jetties had been colonized en masse with the Australian lime tube worm (Ficopomatus enigmaticus). The species occurs mainly in brackish water and was first detected in Europe (Caen, FR) in 1921 and in Germany (Emden) in 1975. The worm is sensitive to cold, but relatively insensitive to salinity fluctuations. On Norderney, too, a sailing ship arriving from Emden had to be craned out of the water and cleaned due to the massive infestation (see photo). The functioning antifouling coating on the hull prevented the settlement of the worm very well. However, all the more problematic were the areas that could not (could not) be painted, and those where the coating was rubbed off, e.g. by touching the ground.

In brackish water harbors, there have been some boat owners who have renewed the coating less frequently in order to protect the environment and their wallets. Due to the lower fouling pressure during voyages in changing salinities this also worked. It seems that this is now for the time being no longer so easily possible with longer moorings in Hooksiel or Emden.

Translated with (free version)

August 24, 2020
Online-Update Hygiene und Infektions­prävention: COVID-19 #3

Am 23.09.2020 zwischen 10:00 und 12:00 Uhr findet das dritte "Online-Update Hygiene und Infektions­prävention: COVID 19" statt.

"Trotz des zwischenzeitlich deutlichen Rückgangs der Neuinfektionen in Deutschland und Europa bestimmt die Corona-Pandemie und deren Auswirkungen weiterhin Klinik, Industrie und Forschung. Wir möchte Ihnen im Rahmen dieses kostenfreien Online-Updates die Möglichkeit bieten, sich über wichtige Fragen zum Thema zu informieren und mit unseren Experten auszutauschen."

Melden Sie sich unter folgendem Link an:

Weitere Informationen:

July 10, 2020
Dr. Brill receives GLP certificate

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie has received a GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) certificate from the Hamburg Authority for Health and Consumer Protection.
The certificate ( includes the categories:

2 - Tests to determine toxicological properties
3 - Tests for determining mutagenic properties (in vitro, in vivo)
9 - Other tests: Microbiological and biochemical testing of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization processes. 

Category 9 thus comprises the company's main areas of work on efficacy testing of disinfectants and antiseptics as well as the validation of reprocessing processes for medical devices. In categories 2 and 3, only in vitro procedures are offered and carried out.
We are very pleased that this GLP certification opens up new opportunities for the company. These include the world's largest market for disinfectant efficacy testing and validation of reprocessing processes for medical devices, the United States. We are pleased about the extension of our accreditation by the DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, which has been in existence since 2006, and the recognition of the ZLG as a medical device testing laboratory (, which has been confirmed since 2011. In addition, we have been operating a GCP (Good Clinical Practice) system since 2018, which we use to carry out microbiological and virological tests on voluntary, healthy test persons.


July 7, 2020
Produktion von Mundschutzmasken und Desinfektionsmittel in Malawi

In April, after a joint appeal for donations with "tat für tat malawi e.V.", we collected over 4000 € for the local production of face masks and disinfectants in Malawi. The production has been completed and numerous face masks and disinfectants were distributed. In addition, training courses on the topic of hygiene in everyday life were held. We are very happy to have the opportunity to help on site.

July 2, 2020
wordinc GmbH: Our partner for professional translations

The coronavirus pandemic has brought antiviral and antibacterial disinfectants to the forefront of a global conversation. To make sure the necessary authorities can read and comprehend our test results, we turn to wordinc GmbH ( for accurate, reliable translations. wordinc’s decade-plus of experience translating medical documents of every kind makes them the perfect partner for communicating the findings of our high-stakes testing.