News Archive

You will find the latest information about our company and industries here. Please feel free to contact us with any questions and suggestions relating to our topics or content!

May 29, 2020
Wasserung Rotomarin

Today our dynamic test rig "RotoMarin®" was launched. It was developed by the Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion to investigate the growth of fouling on surfaces under the most realistic conditions possible. For this purpose, the surfaces to be examined are screwed as circular segment-shaped test plates onto plates moved by a rotating axis and moved at speeds of up to 19 knots.

May 20, 2020
Online Update Hygiene and infection prevention: COVID-19

The Corona Pandemic poses major challenges for all of us. The HIHeal network ( is launching a free series of webinars to provide information on important issues related to the topic.


The first webinar will take place on 26.05.2020 from 10:00 - 12:00. 

Further information:

April 20, 2020
Support for local production of disinfectants and face masks in Africa

In order to stem the spread of the corona virus in Malawi, Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH together with "tat für tat malawi e.V." supports the local production of disinfectants and face masks in Malawi. Through an appeal for donations, more than 4,000 € have been collected. The production in Malawi is in the process of preparation.

April 7, 2020
EU Commission: Introduction of medical devices regulation postponed

At the end of May, according to the new EU Medical Devices Regulation, only specially certified medical devices should actually be placed on the market in the European Union. The regulation should now enter into force one year later in order to avoid creating additional bureaucratic hurdles in the corona crisis. Further details:

February 21, 2020
Successful candidacy: Dr. Florian Brill elected to the Plenum of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

In the 2020 plenary election of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the electoral alliance Starke Wirtschaft Hamburg, of which Dr. Florian Brill was also a member, was able to win 71 % of all votes. Dr. Florian Brill successfully ran in the electoral group "Services" for medium-sized companies and will now represent his goals in the plenary session of the Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Brill and the entire electoral alliance "Starke Wirtschaft Hamburg" would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and for your great support over the past few weeks. Dr. Brill said about his motivation before the election: "My goals are to reunite the chamber in order to achieve that honorary and full-time office work together again in an optimal way. I would like the Chamber of Commerce to be perceived again as the voice of Hamburg's economy, loud and clear. This is important in order to tackle the challenges facing the City of Hamburg on the issues of digital transformation, the shortage of skilled workers and the dilemma of "transport space" vs. "commercial space" vs. "living space" for a golden future for the city. SMEs in particular need a chamber of commerce with a 360° view, so that it can be at your side in all phases, from start-up, through transformation, innovation and the development of new business fields, internationalisation, and the training and further education of skilled workers. This is what I will fight for, always taking the values of a family entrepreneur and VEEK as my foundation. So that Hamburg becomes even more successful."

January 28, 2019

Wir haben unsere Website überarbeitet und verschiedene neue Bereiche kreiert, die die Informationen noch besser und einfacher transportieren werden als. Natürlich hat auch unser neues Unternehmen Dr. Brill + OBJEKTuS GmbH & Co. KG Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie eine neue Heimat bekommen, die wir ständig weiterentwickeln. Viel Spaß auf unserer Seite.

October 17, 2018
Fusion! Dr. Brill + Objektus GmbH & Co. KG Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie
Together we are stronger: Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie and the Objektus GmbH have decided to merge their business in the field of hygiene and microbiology of drinking and cooling waters, the processing of hygiene samples and microbiological quality control, according to the motto "Together we are stronger". The new joint venture Brill + Objektus GmbH & Co. KG Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie will soon find his home on the website Until then, please inform yourself as before under and You can reach the new company by phone at +49 40 557631-500 or by e-mail at
September 26, 2018
CAHMV 2018 - Register now!
It is only 8 weeks to go: From 22.-23. November 2018, the 4th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology takes place in Hamburg. The scientific program is high-caliber, e.g. with key note lectures by Dr. Lonne Gerritsen, Professor Dr. Markus Dettenkofer and Professor Dr. Johannes Knobloch, as well as many further well-known speakers. The entire program and the form to sign up can be found under the following link. We would be pleased to receive your registration and to welcome you in Hamburg!
September 20, 2018
MEDICA 2018 and Arab Health 2019
From 12 to 15 November 2018 Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie will be exhibiting at the MEDICA in Düsseldorf, the most important and largest medical trade fair in the world. Please contact us to schedule a meeting at the North German joint pavilion of WTSH and Life Science Nord in hall 15, stand F40, or for a visit to your booth. All information can be found here: January 28 and January 31, 2019, we are also at the Arab Health in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. You will find us at the North German joint pavilion of Life Science Nord in Hall Z2. We would be delighted to welcome you. Please contact us to schedule a meeting.
August 27, 2018
Extension of the scope of accreditation in the virucidal field
In the course of a successfully completed control audit by the DAkkS and ZLG, the scope of accreditation was extended again in the virucidal field. Now, we are also able to offer you tests according to the following standards within our accreditation scope:- STM D7907-14 (Standard Test Method for Determination of Virucidal Efficacy on the Surface of Medical Examination Gloves)- JIS Z 2801 / ISO 22196 (Measurement of antiviral activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces)- ASTM E1053-11 (Standard Test Method to Access Virucidal Activity of Chemicals Intended for Disinfection of Inanimate Non-porous Environmental Surfaces).You will find the new accreditation certificate of the DAkkS as a download under "Certificates", and here our entire service portfolio:
August 20, 2018
Joint project QQ Natural Products - New antimicrobial agents against biofilms
We are pleased to be part of the joint project "QQ Natural Products - New antimicrobial agents against biofilms". The project is part of the funding program "National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Within this project, the Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH deals with marine corrosion affecting organisms which can sustainably damage technically relevant materials such as steel or concrete. In addition to the microbiological characterization outsourced sample materials (in the laboratory or in the North Sea) , fluorescence microscopy (visualization of microbiological structures after doping with selective dyes) and atomic force microscopic measurements of the surfaces (topography, density and localization of the microbial growth) are made in order to decide whether there is an anti-fouling effect or whether the integrity of the material can be preserved by the QQ-based anti-fouling action used.
August 15, 2018
New test methods with 15% discount until end of 2018
Over the past few months, we have established new test methods in our laboratories so that we can offer you even more comprehensive services. In order to convince you of our quality and performance in these new test methods, we start a discount campaign. You will receive 15 % for orders issued up to and including December 15, 2018.The following test methods are included in the discount campaign:- Material compatibility tests of detergents and disinfectants with relevant materials, e.g. metals, plastics, rubber- Testing of the resistance development and cross resistance development of bacteria after contact with disinfectants according to Maillard et al. 2013- Validation of reprocessing processes (cleaning, disinfection, sterilization) for reprocessable medical devices based on the requirements of DIN EN ISO 17664:2018 for medical device manufacturers and the ZLG position paper RDS 007- ASTM E2783-10 "Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity for Water Miscible Compounds Using a Time-Kill Procedure"- ASTM E1174-13 "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Care Personnel Handwash Formulations"- ASTM E2755-15 "Effectiveness of Healthcare Personnel Hand Rub Formulations Using Hands of Adults"- ASTM E2276-10 "Standard Test Method for Determining the Bacteria-Eliminating Effectiveness of Hygienic Handwash and Handrub Agents Using the Fingerpads of Adults"- AOAC 966.04 "Sporicidal Activity of Disinfectants"- AOAC 991.47, 991.48 and 991.49 Hard Surface Carrier Test Methods - ASTM E1153-14 "Efficacy of Sanitizers Recommended for Inanimate, Hard, Nonporous Non-Food Contact Surfaces"- ASTM E2197-11 "Standard Quantitative Disk Carrier Test Method for Determining Bactericidal, Virucidal, Fungicidal, Mycobactericidal, and Sporicidal Activities of Chemicals"- ASTM E 645-13 "Efficacy of Microbiocides Used in Cooling Water Systems"- ASTM E1839-13 "Efficacy of Slimicides for the Paper Industry – Bacterial and Fungal Slime"- ASTM E1053-11 "Virucidal Activity of Chemicals Intended for Disinfection of Inanimate, Nonporous Environmental Surfaces"- ASTM D7907-14 "Determination of Bactericidal Efficacy on the Surface of Medical Examination Gloves"- In-House-Method based on JIS Z2801/ISO 22196 "Measurement of antiviral activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces"- OECD 170 "Efficacy of Pool and Spa Disinfectants"- ISO 10993-5 Evaluation of the cytotoxicity of medical devices- OECD 471 "Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test" (AMES Test)The following test procedures have already been established, the technical details have been clarified and the final EN standards are expected to be published as follows:- EN 17126: Efficacy against aerobic and anaerobic spore formers in human medicine, phase 2, step 1 (December 2018)- EN 17111: Virucidal efficacy testing of instrument disinfectants in a practical test model, phase, step 2 (November 2018)- EN 16777: Virucidal efficacy testing of surface disinfectants without mechanics in a practical test model for the human medical area, phase 2, step 2 (December 2018)